32. Alone

Do you simply choose to be alone or do you actively seek it out? How does the thought of being alone make you feel? My experience of being alone with myself has transformed dramatically over the years. From inducing anxiety to being a source of comfort, this piece is about how solitude has paved a path of self-discovery for me.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

Thank you for listening!

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4 thoughts on “32. Alone

  1. Martha Van Cleef

    I love this piece, Akasha. I find that I too have gone from almost a frantic need to be with people to a deep and abiding peacefulness in being by myself, alone in my own skin sitting quietly with myself. I wonder if it’s a function of aging? Or finally coming to be at peace with who I have grown to be and no longer trying to meet other people’s expectations or roadmaps for who they want me to be. When I become impatient or overwhelmed with being with people, I seek the quiet and peace of solitude. Thank you for your thoughts on this phenomenon. They resonate for me.

  2. James

    OMG this episode is amazing!!! I’m about to embark on a long trip to a foreign place in which I will be alone for a long time. I’ve been having some anxiety about this, but this episode really helped me realize I do like being alone…a lot, like you. I suppose I’m wondering what I will do when I am in a space where I actually don’t want to be alone for a while, but I have to. It’s one thing when you “seek” to be alone; it’s another when you “have to” be alone. I suppose that will be another bridge to cross over. Thank you for the episode.


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