I have a deep connection with a specific oak tree near my home. Despite its inaccessibility across a creek, I regularly visit this stately tree, which offers me comfort and solace. This tree, standing tall through the years, has become a touchstone of peace and strength in my life, offering a unique and intimate form...
I love a good quote. Quotes provide me with wisdom and humor for navigating life. In this episode, I share a few of my favorite quotes and reflections on the importance of manners, uniqueness, and the balance between desire and practicality. What is your favorite quote? Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks...
Food is one way I stay anchored to my sense of home, despite living in California. A recent visit to a barbecue restaurant rekindled memories of authentic Southern fish and hush puppies, and invoked nostalgia for the tastes of my childhood. From the unique flavor of fried catfish to the treasured tradition of homemade dishes...
I am struggling with getting older. Perhaps you can relate? These days physical limitations along with an erosion of patience have really impacted my daily life and my ability to enjoy activities. Travel has become a challenge, and finding comfort has shifted from exploring new places to staying home. Lately, I find comfort in the...
Maintaining a sense of humor and a positive outlook can help alleviate anxiety over everyday forgetfulness and mishaps, especially as we age. From misplacing objects to embracing overcooked food, I share how finding the silver lining in life’s little challenges keeps my spirits up and contributes to a more fulfilling life. Now That You Ask...
I recently visited Homeboy Industries, the world’s largest gang rehabilitation and reentry program. It was a deeply impactful experience journeying through their facilities in downtown Los Angeles and seeing firsthand the remarkable transformations and supportive atmosphere cultivated by Father Gregory Boyle. From the exceptional service at Homegirl Cafe to the heartwarming stories of resilience and...
Keeping up with technology is a challenge, isn’t it? Just when I think I am understanding the world of tech (and my iPhone), I’m blindsided by something new like artificial intelligence. I will get to the bottom of A.I. eventually but for now it has me stumped. Listen in as I reflect on the rapid...
Highfalutin words have the uncanny ability to draw us in. They can serve both to educate and occasionally to obfuscate. My love for reading and sophisticated phrasing takes me through historical romances and even into the realms of vampire fiction when history becomes too bleak. Listen in as I muse on my fascination with words...
Life has recently showered me with unexpected beauty and grace, with experiences that felt like pure gifts from the universe. From meaningful conversations with loved ones to spontaneous moments of connection and memory, each event has deepened my gratitude and love for the world around me. These beautiful occurrences have reminded me to savor each...
Horse people are a community unto their own. My dear friend Nancy, a passionate horsewoman, is the one introduced me to the world of horses and riding about 20 years ago. It’s quite remarkable how much there is to learn and master when it comes to riding and Nancy loved every aspect of it. Despite...