28. FOG

Suspicious. Heavy. Comforting. Fog always stops me in my tracks when I see it. I hope you enjoy my reverie and piece of appreciation for this mysterious and wonderful natural phenomenon.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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4 thoughts on “28. FOG

  1. Lise Maisano

    I love your romantic feelings about fog. Really beautiful. While I have experienced fog as you describe, living near the beach it is more often the fog of “June gloom” that can last all summer keeping the sun at bay (literally). I love the fog that arrives suddenly on a sunny day and then disappears just as quickly leaving sun again in its place. Thank you for your podcasts. I look forward to Thursdays when they appear in my inbox; a lovely gift of reflection, beauty and often laughter.

  2. Martha Van Cleef

    Thank you for this lovely reflection about fog. I never knew how much I love the fog, especially the afternoon fog that arrives each day in summer in San Francisco, cooling the day and making the nights blessedly cool for sleep, until I moved away. How I miss that wonderful drop in temperature to break the stifling heat of a Midwest summer day. Where is the fog, the blessed dampness on my skin? Fog will always mean San Francisco to me. Thank you for this ode to fog.


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