12. Betting on Yourself

We don’t always react to life the way we expect. Maybe you have felt it, too – that sinking feeling when you find out you have won something like an award or even a cash prize? Then follows the question, “Why me?”

What is it that sometimes makes me feel like I dont deserve to be a winner? Is it a good thing or a bad thing to question if I deserve it? In this episode, I share some of my wins and how I plan to celebrate and bet on myself going forward.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

Thank you for listening!

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4 thoughts on “12. Betting on Yourself

  1. Anne Graham

    Thank you for these insights into reluctance to celebrate life’s wins. As a result I am vowing to enjoy the abundance in my life and to express gratitude for it!

  2. Lise Maisano

    Cheers! I look forward to each and every podcast. Each different but all linked together to express marvelous you.


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