The English language is at the same time confusing and fascinating. This week’s episode is a musing on some of my most favorite confusing words. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes...
We’ve all heard the expression, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, I have expanded this adage to encompass a whole new world of opportunity and purpose. This new perspective, I believe, is especially useful for those of us in the baby boomer age group. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks...
Do you simply choose to be alone or do you actively seek it out? How does the thought of being alone make you feel? My experience of being alone with myself has transformed dramatically over the years. From inducing anxiety to being a source of comfort, this piece is about how solitude has paved a...
Envy. It sure is a sneaky creature, isn’t it? This is a story about the pitfalls of envy when combined with a desire to collect unique serving utensils. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey...
Are you a 1-ply or 2-ply person? This is a serious question. If you’ve been listening to this show for a while, you might not be surprised to learn that I have strong feelings about toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. From the ply to the placement in the bathroom, these feelings of mine govern my...
My cat, Sid, has what I can only describe as a penchant for plastic. He simply cannot resist it. The danger and destruction that ensues is a constant source of frustration for me. But what can I do? I just love that cat! Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that...
Suspicious. Heavy. Comforting. Fog always stops me in my tracks when I see it. I hope you enjoy my reverie and piece of appreciation for this mysterious and wonderful natural phenomenon. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join...
Have you ever experienced a moment in time that changed you forever? A juncture that helped you know yourself a little better? Some might call it a loss of innocence or perhaps a moment of clarity. I call it The Beginning. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from...
What is one of your quirks? Me? I can’t stop smelling things. It’s an automatic response at this point. Smelling gives me both pleasure and information I can’t get anywhere else. Want to know what I mean? Listen to this week’s episode. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range...
Sudden shifts and the shock of people passing can leave me stunned and without words. I attempt to reflect on these events but often I cannot find my way through the fog of disbelief. Here are some of the lessons I have found in the fog. Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks...