90. Popsicles

There is nothing quite like a popsicle on a hot summer day. They bring a full spectrum of sensory experiences and remind us to savor the moment (or else get a healthy dose of brain freeze!). What’s your favorite flavor?

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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3 thoughts on “90. Popsicles

  1. Marti

    Dreamsicles — that’s what my favorite popsicle was and if I could find it today, it would still be my favorite: hard frozen orange sherbet around a soft, creamy vanilla ice cream center. A flavor profile I have never found anywhere else. There are attempts to mimic that flavor in today’s offerings, but they aren’t the same. But I agree — there’s nothing like a cold popsicle on a hot summer day to just make the day sing.

  2. Susan Carlisle

    My mouth is watering…..ahhhhh an orange or a banana popsicle. I remember them well. They got me through morning sickness when I was pregnant.


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