131. A Pony for Christmas

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This year I spent Christmas with my adopted family. The house was beautifully decorated, with multiple trees, gingerbread houses, and adorable handmade gifts from the children. It was a wonderland filled with laughter and imagination. The highlight of the holiday was when the little girl in the family received a very special surprise present. The joy and excitement on her face were truly priceless and I was reminded of the many ways we can bring joy to our loved ones and the importance of thoughtful gift-giving.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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130. Ode On A Hot Dog

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I love hot dogs. From the hot dogs served at baseball and football games to the ones from carts in New York City, I have a particular fondness for their flavor. And there is nothing quite like the unique satisfaction of having a hot dog handed over by someone at a game. Join me as I share my love for hot dogs and the significant role they play in my football-watching rituals.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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129. Begin Now

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As I contemplate the road ahead, I find motivation in the challenge oftaking action and starting something new – specifically, in writing a book. I find the prospect quite intriguing. What will I learn about myself this time? I know I have a desire to be unique and resist conformity (surprise, surprise), as well as the need to begin before the universe can provide assistance. I know I must resist distractions and focus on seizing the opportunity to share my stories and transform my perspective and I hope to inspire others to make small changes in their own lives and discover their true selves.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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128. The Mystery

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I see myself as a special kind of mystic, embracing the unexplainable mysteries of life. I believe a mystic possesses a strong sense of self, calmness, trust, curiosity, and acceptance. Through various experiences and moments of connection, I have glimpsed my mystical self and felt the vastness of being alive.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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127. Maid of Cotton

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Did you know that I was in a beauty contest? It’s true. It was called the Maid of Cotton contest. It all started when my mother decided it would be a good experience for me to participate. Reluctantly, I agreed and went through the rigorous preparations for the contest. To my surprise, I won the first round and had to continue to the next level. However, as the pressure built up and I faced catty competition, I realized that this wasn’t the path I wanted to pursue. Listen in as I reflect on this memorable and transformative experience.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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126. What Is Going On With Me?

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Lately I’ve been asking myself “What is going on with me?” I am a little worried about myself to be honest. I have always loved the holidays, but this year I am really struggling with the social aspects. Of course, the pandemic shaped my perspective on solitude and I now delve into the joys and challenges of being alone, but what is going on with me? Join me as I explore the complexities of my emotions and the uncertainties about my future in this episode.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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125. It’s In My DNA

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If you were born in the South, say, 50 to 60, 70 years ago, you were baptized with an unquenchable love for college football. In this episode, I share my personal story of growing up in Alabama and being immersed in the passionate world of college football fandom. From the fierce rivalry between Alabama and Auburn to the exciting game-day parties with friends and family, football became a part of my DNA. Join me as I recount the memories and experiences that shaped my lifelong love for the game and the Crimson Tide.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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124. Don’t Forget the Little Things

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The holiday season brings me such me joy. And it’s in the little things. From the excitement of finding surprises for loved ones to the joy of giving and receiving, the holiday season is a time of celebration and togetherness. I just love Thanksgiving and the opportunity it provides to reflect on the things I am grateful for. The small acts of kindness that brighten my day, such as people holding doors open, paying for my coffee, and responding to a simple greeting remind me of the beauty of human connection. This time of year really emphasizes for me the importance of sharing and spreading kindness, and how it can make a positive impact not only on my life but also on the lives of others.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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123. Heed the Call

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As someone who has been both an activist and a spiritual seeker, I desire for humanity to embrace hope, even in the face of current chaos. I believe that personal growth and kindness is important and that our purpose is not just about acquiring material things but evolving into the best versions of ourselves. This episode delves into my evolving understanding of spirituality and the role of humor in navigating life’s challenges.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

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122. How Am I Feeling?

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Contemplating age, I realize I have a choice: to define myself by years or by how I truly feel. This awareness becomes crucial in navigating moments of feeling low. Despite occasional dips, I acknowledge the power to decide whether to carry these emotions with me or let them go. From a simpler lifestyle abroad to an introspective journey within, I’ve learned to appreciate life by slowing down, taking stock, and feeling younger, even if just for a moment. Life, viewed through the lens of how I feel, becomes a reminder that there’s joy in recognizing the room for growth, improvement, and appreciation.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

Thank you for listening!

Listen to more episodes like this and subscribe to updates athttps://nowthatyouaskpodcast.com/