178. Who Am I?

Who am I? As I get older, and especially at the end of the year, I look back and reflect on the concept of identity and the winding journey that has been my life. From pondering who I was at 16 to who I’ve become, and the experiences and wisdom I’ve gained over the years, I quite enjoy the rumination. And now more than ever, I appreciate the small unexpected moments and people who’ve guided me and I’m determined to live life to the fullest.

Now That You Ask is a podcast that looks at topics that range from death to desire, and from wondrous to downright whacky. Join host, Akasha Halsey as she takes listeners on a journey through her writing and experience with life’s most persistent questions.

Thank you for listening!

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1 thought on “178. Who Am I?

  1. Jan Ardell


    Delightful episode!

    I’ll look for your favorite, humorous, flirtatious checker next time I’m at TJ’s.
    Jan xo

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